lunes, 12 de septiembre de 2011



Psicodelia es la adaptación al español del inglés psychedelia, un neologismo formado a partir de las palabras griegas ψυχή, "alma", y δήλομαι, "manifestar". La palabra psicodélico fue inventada por el psicólogo británico Humphry Osmond y significa "que manifiesta el alma".

Ajustándose a esa definición, todos los esfuerzos por proyectar el mundo interior de la psique pueden ser considerados, en un sentido amplio, "psicodélicos". Sin embargo, cuando se habla de psicodelia suele aludirse a una modalidad artística muy concreta: el arte psicodélico, sobre todo pictórico y musical, que se desarrolló a partir de los años cincuenta del siglo pasado. Este tipo de arte se caracteriza por evocar las vivencias propias de la experiencia psicodélica: sinestesia, alteración de la percepción del tiempo y del sentido de la identidad, empatía, etc.

La psicodelia alcanza su apogeo en la segunda mitad de los años sesenta y primera de los setenta. Es uno de los componentes más notorios de la Contracultura, pues ofrece una vía de escape de los límites impuestos a la conciencia y a la vida diaria por el sistema dominante. A partir de entonces, pierde notoriedad y va siendo desplazada por otras corrientes culturales, aunque su influencia persiste en múltiples manifestaciones contemporáneas, siendo especialmente obvia en la publicidad, el videoclip, el cine y la música psicodélica de vocación underground.

Algunos científicos y humanistas, convencidos de las posibilidades benéficas de las drogas psicodélicas para los humanos, han investigado y promocionado su uso responsable: entre ellos se cuentan Albert Hofmann, Aldous Huxley, Alan Watts, Humphry Osmond, Michael Hollingshead y más mediáticamente Timothy Leary. El uso medicinal de estos fármacos constituye la psicoterapia psicodélica.

Desde los años ochenta se han producido diversos brotes neopsicodélicos. Uno de ellos es el psychedelic trance, movimiento que retoma algunos principios de la psicodelia de los sesenta, promoviendo la empatía con el planeta y el uso de la música como herramienta de meditación. Otra manifestación reciente es el psybient, un encuentro entre la música electrónica, las estructuras complejas del rock progresivo y la estética psicodélica.

martes, 19 de abril de 2011

VID: Syd Barrett - Bob Dylan Blues (Subtitulado Español)

Diseño - Piper Gates Design (

Cuando vi en algún lado el libro de colorear de Syd Barrett, me quedé de piedra.
La idea como tal, me parece horrenda, pero es evidente que es todo una broma de un diseñador brillantísimo, Ian Percival. Libros, revistas, películas, etc... todo inexistente.
Disfruten ustedes, por favor de Piper Gates Design. No tiene desperdicio.

Publicado por Argantonio.


VID: Pink Floyd With Syd Barrett - Interstellar Overdrive-Part 1

sábado, 5 de febrero de 2011

Syd Barrett - Art and Letters

18/03/11 - 10/04/11

by Rachel on 2011-01-28 13:50:23 UTC

The myth behind some of rock n’ roll’s most outrageous stories, Syd Barrett was the pioneering songwriter and musical visionary of the greatest psychedelic rock band in history, Pink Floyd. For the first time, the largest collection of unseen photographs, personal love letters and original artworks will go on display offering an unprecedented insight into the inspired life of this rock legend.

“Syd would be so surprised and pleased to know this exhibition is taking place. He was never more content than when sketching or painting, be it cartoons, abstracts or still life. Syd felt above all he was an artist and loved experimenting with different mediums, sometimes just to see what might happen!” Rosemary Breen (Syd’s sister)

Syd Barrett | Art and Letters, will be the first and largest exhibition of its kind, offering a rare insight into the lesser known side to the original Pink Floyd frontman’s inspiration and creativity. The exhibition will include a series of previously unseen photographs ranging from intimate images from Syd’s childhood holidays through to the psychedelic hothouse of 1960s progressive rock as well as personal love notes written during the early days of Pink Floyd. Not only a stunning documentary of Syd Barrett, the exhibition features a series of completely unseen photographs of early Pink Floyd, including the first ever images of the band playing live in Denmark and images by the photographer Mick Rock he had considered lost forever. The exhibition will also include an extraordinary collection of Syd Barrett’s original artworks – the largest to date.

Syd Barrett | Art and Letters will put the artist in a completely new light, allowing us to celebrate his life as an exceptionally gifted painter as well as iconic musician. This exhibition accompanies the publication of the book Barrett: The definitive visual companion by Essential Works. See

Photographs and letters, part of this remarkable exhibition, reveal the real Syd Barrett, from the energetic and dynamic live performer to the sensitive private individual. Sessions of The Madcap Laughs and Barrett albums will be exhibited, demonstrating Barrett at his most outgoing and eclectic best. Images also visit the infamous London Free School gigs, the launch of IT at the Roundhouse and the psychedelic UFO nights.

“I was standing at the front but couldn’t move, I could only take pictures of Syd Barrett and Nick Mason. After the concert, Syd Barrett said ‘Why do the audience scream so much? Why don’t they clap?” Nick Aarestrup Roddik, photographer at The Boom Dancing Center, 1967

Love letters, such as those to his first girlfriends, Libby and Jenny, reveal an intimate, generous and loving side to Barrett’s character. These notes also document in detail the birth of Pink Floyd and reveal some of the early background behind the band that went on to encapsulate the 60’s underground music scene and gain a legion of loyal supporters.

“Syd Barrett’s continued fame as a musician would have surprised someone who spent the majority of his life as a
painter & writer, and who valued newness over all else. Despite Syd routinely disposing of his paintings, Syd Barrett | Art and Letters is a comprehensive display of Syd’s noted originality, unique imagination and commitment. The exhibition presents the most vivid picture that we are likely to ever see and is above all, something new.” Will Shutes, coordinator of Syd Barrett | Art and Letters

For more information and to be added to the guest list for the private view on 17th March please contact


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