sábado, 11 de agosto de 2012

martes, 22 de mayo de 2012

Roger Waters Video on Quebec Concert To End Wall Tour 2012 (www.rogerwaterstours.com)

Here is a great video from Roger Waters on his Quebec concert announced the other day where he will be performing outdoors with a colossal 800 foot wide Wall! Ha! What a fucking mad man!

If you don’t go to Roger’s concert there, then there is “something fucking wrong with you” according to Roger in the video. See what you think of his French accent. I think he did a good job.

Roger Waters said, “I’ve always loved playing in Québec. The Québécois are a very passionate and musical people and we’ll be playing on the Fields of Abraham. This is going to be completely unlike any of The Wall shows we’ve done anywhere else in the world.”

Roger Waters Tickets
A limited number of priority tickets (wristbands) will be available in advance of the public sale for fans who register on RogerWaters.com between 9:00am on Wednesday May 23rd and 9pm Thursday May 31st. Fans who have purchased a pass for this year’s Festival d’été de Québec can also get priority booking by registering online at www.infofestival.com during the same time period. General public sales will commence on June 5th at www.infofestival.com

Roger will perform in Quebec at Les Plaines D’Abraham on 21st July 2012 in Quebec City, Canada. It will be the final date on The Wall Tour 2012 with no other concerts announced after that. Considering he is extending to an 800 foot wide Wall, this extravagant event (even in comparison to the other Wall outdoor events) could signal that the tour has come to a spectacular end and that the long awaited Wall Live DVD could shortly be released. Who knows. Roger Knows. Anyway…

Watch Roger’s madness unfold here!